In this chapter of the tarot course we will see, The 4 of Swords and its meanings. What does the 4 of Swords mean in the Tarot? What does the 4 of Swords card mean in love, work, money or health? What is its spiritual meaning and what does it reveal to us? What does the 4 of Swords card mean upside down or reversed?
The 4 of Swords in the tarot
The Four of Swords is an unpostponable rest and reflection, and its figure shows us a church where there is an imposing tomb of a knight whose figure lies on top of it.
Graphic description of the card
- The Four of Swords represents the effigy of a knight lying in a tomb.
- His hands are in a position of prayer and the tomb is inside a church.
- The chart shows a stained glass window behind the statue, depicting a woman and a child together.
- A sword lies beneath the knight, symbolic of only one key issue dominating his life at this time.
- Three additional swords hang above him, pointing downward, representing perhaps a threat, but also that they are there to be used.
- The knight has lost a battle and has deposed a sword, but he still has more weaponry for later battles.
What does the Four of Swords mean in the Tarot?
The Four of Swords right side up, General meaning: The Four of Swords, beyond the image, does not represent death in any literal sense.
This stillness of the tomb and the church is meaning that what you need in your life at this time is to take a forced rest so that you can recover after a difficult period or a situation that has been very complicated or painful for you.
This will be the only way to regain strength and fight again. It is the time to make a deep recovery of energy, mainly mental, since the swords symbolize logic and thought, the intellect.
The Four of Swords indicates that after any crisis or limit situation, there comes a stage of rest and recovery, this is inevitable since there would not be enough energy to be fighting battles one after another.
The rest comes so that you can regain your strength and your intellect returns to its normal functioning. Now there is serene contemplation, meditation and calm analysis.
In this sense, if you are still in the midst of a crisis, the Four of Swords tells you to take a break.
It is a card that announces a kind of break or truce, and at this moment you can lower your defenses and remain in the middle of a pause, even with a lot of noise or chaos that could surround you.
You understand however that a pause is not the same as achieving peace. Difficult situations will continue, even if you successfully overcome this one that occupies you now, for that is the essence of life itself, one challenge or challenge after another. Problems are never lacking, so this card prepares you, making you rest to face future inconveniences.
This rest suggested now is perhaps very necessary when you come from a traumatic or very painful situation, such as a loss, a separation, a deep financial bankruptcy, and in such circumstances it is best that you do not make decisions at this time because you are not in a position to do so, either emotionally or rationally.
You must now remain as the knight in the figure, inert, without possible action. From this calmness will come the strength to be able to resolve these delicate questions later on.
A little solitude and seclusion is also necessary to accompany this rest. You must isolate yourself as much as possible to experience the experiences that have happened to you, to elaborate them, so distractions are not the best way.
Your seclusion must be within yourself, and if you can get as far away from the focus of the conflict as possible, so much the better. It is time to stand up and find a way to regain your faith and confidence.
The Four of Swords also shows the need to review in a practical way, even if there is no conflict or crisis situation, your priorities in life.
Your partner, your work, your dreams, your relationships with others, all of these should be reevaluated to see that you are on the right path, for that is what will prevent future crises. When you discover certain flaws in time, you can correct them before everything explodes out of control.
As a last possibility, this card may represent an illness that requires a bed, time in the hospital or even, though rarely, jail.
What does the 4 of Swords card mean in love?
In the realm of love. The Four of Swords indicates that you may feel quite disconnected at this time. It is important to let your partner know what is happening to you, but at the same time it is not your obligation to feel good all the time so that he feels good.
Your feelings and emotions are yours and there are certain areas that no one else can reach but you. It may be an indication to take some time, to separate for a few moments to reflect. Do not hesitate to do so.
If you are looking for love, it is not a time to force things, neither you are in a position to give nor others to fulfill the expectations you have. It is a time of loneliness but well understood, it can be very positive for your life. A better time will come and everything will be on track, for now, take a break from relationships.
What does the 4 of Swords card mean at work?
In the field of work. This is a good time to take some time off if possible. It could be a vacation, but a weekend could be enough to rest and recharge your batteries. No doubt you need this break to put things in perspective.
Some things may not be right at work, but trying to force things is not going to fix it. You must be patient. But if you don’t, you may need to consider another activity or a different position.
If you are looking for a job, things will take a while, maybe longer than you can accept. This is a sort of forced break. Keep fighting and wait patiently.
What does the 4 of Swords card mean for money and finances?
In terms of money and finances. You may have to take a different course of action if you are behind on your payments and are not sure the money is coming in. Think of ways to bring in extra money.
If you have your own business, and you are owed money, step up your collection activities, for if you expect people to pay of their own free will, you will have to wait too long. However, the Four of Swords tells you that this financial stagnation will not last forever.
What does the Four of Swords card mean in health?
In matters of health. The Four of Swords indicates that your health is not optimal at the moment, probably because of the stress you are under. If there have been very painful situations, depression and sadness have a direct impact on the body.
In some cases it may indicate a period of bed rest or even some time in the hospital to recover from an ailment or condition. It is not a card of gravity, it is all about rest and recuperation.
What does the 4 of Swords mean spiritually?
In spirituality. The Four of Swords indicates a need for space. You need time and quiet, to really get in touch with your soul and the universal energies around you.
Even if you work full time and have fourteen children, if you make it a priority, you can find a minute or two of solitude. Find that moment and take it. Your sanity and your soul are crying out for it.
What does the Four of Swords card upside down or reversed mean?
Four of Swords reversed, General meaning: The Four of Swords when reversed represents two related, yet opposite things.
On the one hand, it may indicate that despite your need for rest, you keep going, anxiously, without pause, causing you exhaustion and stress.
Your body may be at its limit, but not your mind, which continues to force things as if it were dissociated from the body.
This rhythm can cause you problems, as exhaustion and mental over-demanding will lead you to make mistakes and distractions.
On the other hand, you may be lacking drive, exhausted, not taking action of any kind, while your frustrations are mounting.
It could be your marriage that has lost its meaning, your job or existential questions that have to do with your role in life. It is necessary to take some distance, to relax, to rest, to be able to evaluate these situations calmly and objectively.
You feel day by day that there are no changes, you do not progress in your life, many plans were stopped or frustrated, or were carried out in a way that was not what you wanted, but at the same time that this has frustrated you, some part of your responsibility may be that your way of looking at life, your attitude, is a little passive.
You don’t act, you let things happen, and when things are not in your own hands, the results can certainly be undesirable. The Four of Swords invites you to take action, to be proactive, because sitting back and waiting for everything to work itself out has not worked for you so far.
In another aspect, you may be avoiding any pause and time to analyze what is happening to you or what is going on in your life, as you are afraid of the conclusions you may reach or what the results of your actions may be.
Part of life is pain and dealing with it, and the only way to overcome it is to face it. You need to face that which burns inside you so that you can move on and your life can take a positive turn, becoming more fulfilling.
What does the 4 of Swords card reversed mean in love?
On the level of love, There is a certain disconnect in the couple, mainly on your part, but also on the part of your partner. This is certainly not due to feelings, it is not a lack of them or of love, but it responds to internal, personal, intimate issues, so neither one nor the other should take things too personally. Try to take some distance to find out what is going on and be able to solve things.
If you are looking for a partner, you must take a risk beyond your comfort zone, beyond your circles. Love rarely comes to your door by magic, you must get out and mingle with people to create possibilities.
What does the card of the 4 of Swords reversed mean at work?
In the realm of work. You may feel exhaustion and stress but you don’t allow yourself to stop for a minute. You feel frustrated: no progress, no change, you feel that you don’t earn what you deserve, or that you are not doing something valuable or that you really like.
You must stop and reflect, try to look at things differently. On the other hand, things may not change because you’re too passive, too dedicated, waiting for everything to work itself out.
If you are looking for a job, try to look in other places than those in which you are moving now, you have much more chances of getting it if you try something else.
What does the 4 of Swords card reversed mean for money and finances?
In terms of money. The Four of Swords asks you to let go of anxiety at this time, as it is a bad advisor and clouds your rational judgment and can confuse even your own intuitions.
Haste is a bad advisor at this time; you should take a break to rethink things that have to do with your finances or your business. Rushing things will make you make mistakes. Moderate your spending until you can clarify the situation.
What does the card of the 4 of Swords reversed mean in health?
In the area of health. The Four of Swords asks you to stop and rest, especially to quiet your mind, although your body also needs it. However, rest and pause does not mean total inaction.
The rest is precisely to take action, to renew yourself and gain strength, to take action forward. All this time will serve to eliminate certain ailments or disorders that you have accumulated.
What does the card of the 4 of Swords reversed mean spiritually?
In spirituality. The Four of Swords recommends silence and meditation, either in the middle of nature or in your room. It is a good time, and also necessary, to reconnect with the source and with your vital energy, with your inner self.
Praying or doing readings can help you during this time, and after that you will come out of it with a lot of strength and integrity.
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