In this chapter of the tarot course we will see the Seven of Pentacles and its meanings. The hidden details for its interpretation in the tarot. What does the Seven of Pentacles mean in the Tarot? What does the Seven of Pentacles card mean in love, work, money or health? What is its spiritual meaning and what does it reveal to us? What does the Seven of Pentacles card upside down or reversed mean?
The Seven of Pentacles in the tarot
The Seven of Pentacles speaks to us of good yields and results, of reaping the fruits.
Graphic description of the card
- The Seven of Pentacles portrays a young man, taking a break from the difficult task of laborious and patient sowing. He has been working long and hard in his garden.
- The foliage is strong and the flowers are in full view, blooming in good shape. It looks like his work has paid off.
- He looks thoughtfully at the coins hanging like fruit from the rich vegetation of the thicket in which he works and seems to be contemplating the value of his efforts.
- He is finally taking a break to admire his work and the benefits of his labor.
What is the meaning of the Seven of Pentacless in the Tarot?
The Seven of Pentacles right side up, General Meaning: The Seven of Pentacless is about your goals for the future, the long-term returns and all the effort and dedication you put into achieving them.
Obtaining things quickly, in an easy way is not what interests you the most, because although they can be a solution for the moment, perhaps they are bread for today and hunger for tomorrow.
With this in mind you focus beyond, you look for a long-lasting, firm and sustained performance. In this way you have a great capacity to leave aside the useless and unprofitable and put all your efforts in what will give you sustainable benefits.
Since you are a Gold, this applies very well to the material world, but also in all matters of life, whether spiritual or emotional.
You do not like to waste time on things that will generate little or nothing, you plan always thinking about the future and you do not want to waste energy or your soul if you will not get reward.
At this time you may be aware that there are certain things in your life that are taking energy and asking for extra work, but you are certain that they do not lead to anything, so the most logical thing to do is to start taking stock to see what works and what does not, clear the ground and devote yourself fully to what is worthwhile.
The Seven of Pentacles is in this sense a card that encourages you to continue because it tells you that the rewards will come, you will finally see the fruits after your long dedication.
Perhaps right now is the time of the harvest, you may have been dedicated to something for a long time and from now on the fruits will appear and you can begin to harvest them, no matter what area of your life has been the effort.
It may be a material or work achievement, perhaps a relationship or an internal process that you have been working on. Now may come money, success, the time of a love union or a family reconciliation.
The Seven of Pentacles marks without a doubt, and especially, the end of a difficult stage in money or economic matters. The storm has dissipated and the sun is now shining, allowing you to see sustained growth.
But here you will have to deal with an issue: you may have struggled so much that in the end when you get it it is not what you expected, or you are disappointed, or you simply find that the real pleasure was to be “in the struggle” working for the dream and that once obtained, there is a certain magic that disappears.
This does not happen in all cases, but it is also true that it happens to many people, that old phrase that “Happiness consists in never achieving what you are looking for”, which makes us see this issue that the real engine is the hope and the dream, and not the final achievement.
On the negative side, the Seven of Pentacles can point to some frustration and fear of failure, when you have been determined to do something and the results do not come. It can make you impatient and cause you to rethink your methods and your goals, thinking that maybe you’re doing something wrong.
It’s not a bad thing to review all of this from time to time, to make adjustments as necessary and move more confidently toward your goal.
The Seven of Pentacles is generally a very positive card and good news. The bad times are over and this not only benefits you on a material level but strengthens your self-esteem, making you feel a worthy pride in yourself for all that you have been able to go through, to fight and to achieve.
What does the Seven of Pentacles mean in love?
On the level of Love. The Seven of Pentacles heralds a growth in the couple and in the relationship, especially if you have been going through problems. Now you grow as a couple and begin to enjoy a much happier time.
If you are lonely, the person who occupies your heart may finally notice you and you may begin a relationship. You should not give in now to feelings of fear or misgivings, which you bring from the past. It is a time of emotional blossoming.
What does the card of the Seven of Pentacles mean at work?
In the field of work. The Seven of Pentacles indicates that your work is most likely going very well and that you are reaping the rewards of past efforts, as what is happening now or in the immediate future will be a direct result of what you have done in the past.
A project may see successful completion, perhaps promotion or important promotions. If you are looking for a job, the card announces that the job is finally coming, after your hard search. It is a time of rewards.
What does the Seven of Pentacles mean in money and finance?
In the realm of money and finance. The Seven of Pentacles is an optimal card. The long-awaited results are coming. It is time to make investments, diversify or expand, without fear. However, what you start now will pay off later, so manage money and expenses well until then.
If, on the other hand, you are already reaping achievements and profits, use good judgment as well, since money is something that goes very quickly. Save, plan with your long-term ability to have, if they come, the rainy days.
What does the Card of the Seven of Pentacles mean for health?
In terms of health. The Seven of Pentacles speaks of good health, although you may be a little tired and worn out by the effort made. The card also tells you that all the health you enjoy is the result of your actions in the past.
You have taken care of yourself, you have had check-ups, you have slept well, you have exercised and taken care of your diet, so that now you are reaping the fruits of that previous dedication.
What does The Seven of Pentacles mean spiritually?
In spirituality. The Seven of Pentacles indicates that you have understood that life has a cyclical behavior, what you reap is what you have sown, what you give comes back.
In this certainty you calm down spiritually knowing that in part things depend on you and in part not, but it is a product of the unpredictability that is existence. You just focus on doing your best, and when the results arrive you accept with gratitude and generosity what you have received.
What is the meaning of the reversed or inverted Seven of Pentacles card?
The reversed Seven of Pentacles, General Meaning: The reversed Seven of Pentacles points to a time of doubts and fears.
For some time you have been working on a project, or a relationship if it is the case, but the results do not come, it takes longer than expected and you begin to doubt if all that effort has been well invested.
Your concentration and dedication to that effort has declined, and your attention is scattered, you are unable to focus precisely on what was once clear and simple.
So, now you are in a sort of labyrinth between the fear of failure, the doubts if you have done things well and the fear that everything has been in vain. Perhaps it is a good time to take another look at your priorities, dedicate yourself to the most urgent ones first, those that you believe can give you results, and leave the most difficult ones for later, even discarding them.
It is a time of impeccable balance, because it depends on it if you have any success. It is very important that this balance is made by analyzing the cost involved and the benefit you will have. Making a lot of effort for a meager result will never be good business.
Whether in a relationship, a business, an investment or a job, the effort made must be compensated by a similar achievement, otherwise it will not work out and you will be left with a bitter feeling of wasted time, expense and failure, all things that hit in one way or another your ego, your pocketbook, your self-esteem and your confidence.
The silver lining in the reversed Seven of Pentacles is that perhaps you have developed or the card is indicating to you that you can now perfectly develop a sort of sixth sense to see these situations before you let them drag on.
With a simple glance and evaluation you have acquired the ability to quickly discard that which you know will not work, and therefore is not worth the effort, or you may also start with a lot of enthusiasm but quickly see which way things will go and give up before greater losses.
This sense of smell is not a minor thing and many people do not have it and wish they did. Some people literally waste years of their lives chasing something that will never pan out.
That you possess this sixth sense speaks very well of you, as you are certainly not a stubborn person who sticks to an idea and project against all odds. You know how to read signs and signals with great speed, something that stockbrokers, for example, would envy.
Taking the meaning of the card to a more emotional level, of relationships and affections, it may indicate that you are tired of making efforts to improve and save it, but you realize that no matter what you do, it will not improve and obstinate in it will make you feel a great failure and dismay.
Looked at from a positive side, the card would indicate that the relationship can work, but a great effort and work must be invested in it. If you have the strength and optimism to make it work, then go ahead.
Many things are built with great effort and turn out very well. Your ability to see in advance when it is worth the expense or not will be vital in this
What does the card of the Seven of Pentacles reversed mean in love?
In the realm of love. The reversed Seven of Pentacles means that all your efforts to move things forward may be in vain. You have reached a point of exhaustion and you realize that there is simply no way to straighten things out.
On a positive note, we could say that the relationship can be salvaged, but you will have to work very hard at it. The intensity of your feelings will give you the answer as to whether or not it is worth trying.
If you are lonely, perhaps you should lower your pretensions a little, abandon your idealistic vision of what a couple and a relationship should be.
What does the card of the Seven of Pentacles reversed mean at work?
In the field of work. The reversed Seven of Pentacles signals that you are becoming increasingly dissatisfied with your job or activity, things are not turning out as you had planned or imagined and there are no clear ways out.
You may be seriously considering a complete turnaround and moving on to something else. You should evaluate whether it is possible and worthwhile to continue making efforts or to turn them directly to a new job or task.
If you are unemployed and looking for a job, things will take time, you will eventually get it but the effort will not be less.
What does the card of the Seven of Pentacles reversed mean in money and finances?
In finances and money. The reversed Seven of Pentacles asks you to make precise balances about your financial goals. You may be clouded in your judgment idealizing an outcome that may not come, leaving you battered because you have spent a lot of energy, time and money.
It is an excellent card to know when a business or money will be easy, and in this case it won’t be, it will take a lot of effort. Knowing how to distinguish when it is worth trying, developing your sixth sense, is what you must do now in order not to make a mistake.
What does the card of the Seven of Pentacles reversed mean in health?
In health. The reversed Seven of Pentagram shows you that you must make important efforts to stay healthy. Lose weight, exercise, quit vices, start having a planned and real health behavior.
If you have any ailment or disease, its evolution will be slow and laborious. You must make a precise balance between the efforts you make and the results.
What does the card of the Seven of Pentacles reversed mean spiritually?
In spirituality. The reversed Seven of Pentacles indicates that you may be feeling a sharp sense of spiritual dissatisfaction. If so, it may be time to withdraw from your usual activities for a while, and rest.
You may also need to talk about what’s on your mind and learn from other like-minded people with similar situations. Experimenting a little with spiritual insights, currents and postures may help you to remove the despondency and sense of failure that is overtaking you now.
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