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What does the color Black mean in the tarot?

In this chapter of the tarot course we will see, what does the color black mean in the tarot? is it the color of evil? is it a negative color?

What does the color black mean in the tarot?

Black in the tarot symbolizes: death, emptiness, mourning, darkness, evil, night, shadow, the unconscious. In its positive aspect, it signifies fertility, change, the point of origin of creation and life.

The meaning of the color Black in the tarot

Black in the tarot is associated with opposite and at the same time complementary notions.

  • Although it is a color popularly associated with evil, we should know that in the tarot it is a color with a very complex and interesting meaning.
  • It is also associated with Austerity, inner life, order, loneliness, isolation, sorrow and pain.
  • On the one hand, if white is the union of all colors, black is the absence of color and light. Thus, black represents the idea of emptiness and emptiness is the raw material of creation.
  • On the other hand, it is easier to understand the black color in opposition to the white color, because if this represents the illumination, the good, and the divinity, the black represents the opposite, the unconscious, the evil, the night, the shadow and the darkness.
    And it can also refer to the past.
  • While white leads us to the luminous and divine, to rebirth and the messianic, black is the color that leads to the dark and diabolical, to emptiness and despair.
  • To observe this clearly, we can see the cards where black appears predominantly, for example, in the major arcana such as death, the devil, or the tower, or in the minor arcana such as the 10, and the 9 of swords.
  • However, as we mentioned, black, being the color of emptiness, of the unconscious, is associated with change, the zero point of creation and life.

Is black a negative color in the tarot?

No, although in principle black is a color with a negative meaning, in the tarot its meaning is more complex.

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