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Does tarot bring bad luck?

In this chapter of the tarot course, we will see: Does the tarot bring bad luck? Is it a superstition? How to bring good luck with the tarot?

One of the most frequently asked questions is, does tarot bring bad luck?

The truth is yes and no.

Let’s think about it this way, if you can read the future, why would you have bad luck? Tarot is an empowering tool, let’s see why the answer.

Does tarot bring bad luck?

Many people often claim that if you decide to read the tarot, it is very likely that you will have bad luck. Some even claim that women who read the tarot when they were young did not get married, and remained single.

This is false, the tarot does not bring bad luck. The human race fears the unknown, and therefore invents superstitions to somehow protect itself and prevent people from entering a world unknown to most.

On the other hand, many prejudiced people used to confuse those who did this practice to magic.

Recall that the tarot is often associated with witchcraft, although it has nothing to do with it, until not so long ago, a single woman doing something out of the traditional sure was a witch, and this explains the belief that women who read the tarot when they were young remained single.

What to do if you have bad luck?

Now, it is important to note that, in the tarot, energies are handled, and we must cleanse ourselves. Especially if we have low energy, a bad day, and we work with people who are charged or bad vibes, possibly these bad energies will stick to us.

If we frequent bad vibes, charged and with very bad energy, we will not vibrate very high, and we will start to get in a bad mood, and then, things will happen that put us in a bad mood, and this makes it easier to attract bad luck.

We should not worry, with a simple cleaning of the cards, of the environment and of us, it can quickly be solved. In addition, we can be more careful when selecting to whom we throw the cards, or with whom we get together.

How to bring good luck with tarot?

Very easy, if you keep the vibration high, good energy and use the tarot as a tool to help yourself and others, surely, you will begin to have good luck and bring good things to your life.
As I said at the beginning, let’s think about it this way, if you can read the future, why would you have bad luck?

In conclusion, it does not depend on the tarot, good luck or bad luck depends on your energy, the tarot only enhances the energies.

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