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What to do after reading the tarot?

In this chapter of the tarot course, we will see What to do after reading the tarot?
A common question asked by many people who are new to tarot reading is, “What to do after reading the tarot? In general, it is not necessary to do anything, but in some cases and situations, some practices may be recommended, especially if you feel heavy, tired, or feel that it was a bad vibe, or very energetically charged.

Let’s see what to do after a tarot reading.

Recommendations for after a tarot reading

  1. Drink plenty of water. Many tarot readers recommend drinking liquids before, during and after a tarot reading, otherwise you will get a headache or other discomfort. They also say that hydration helps them to read the tarot better. It is common to feel sick or tired simply because of lack of fluids. So without a doubt, it is an excellent practice to drink something after a tarot reading.
  2. Wash your hands or take a bath. It is not required, but it is recommended if you feel that it has been a very heavy, heavy or negative reading. According to the cabala, washing your hands helps to remove bad energies. If you feel very exhausted energetically you can take a shower, or even a salt bath or immersion with some herbs or salts.
  3. Clean the environment energetically. To do this you can light an incense, ventilate, throw holy water or let the sunlight in. Anything that helps you to remove the bad waves.
  4. Pray or pray. Some people recommend praying, praying and giving thanks for the information and for your gifts. You can pray an Our Father or whatever you like, that helps you to be at peace.
  5. The most important thing. Finally, don’t forget to put your cards away. It is a good practice to keep the cards at the end of each reading to avoid losing them.

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