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The Decisions Spread

In this chapter of the tarot course, we will see the Decision Spread. What is it for? How to make the Decision Spread in tarot? How to interpret this reading?

The Decisions Spread is also known as the spread of the two paths. It is worth noting that there are different variations, but the objective is the same.

This is a very interesting tarot spread that is often used when we want to compare and analyze two possibilities. It is ideal to contrast two options.

There are moments in life when we have to decide between two options, decisions or solutions. It is in those moments when we most need a Tarot spread that is reliable, accurate and will help us to choose between one path or the other.

And this is when this spread comes into play.

The objective of The Spread of Decisions or the two paths is to compare and contrast a question that needs to be explored, and from which, there is a choice between two concrete possibilities.

The idea of the Decision Spread is to see the result of choosing between two paths, the Yes or No path, or to see the consequences if we choose A or B.

It is a very easy, quick and very clarifying spread for questions with two possible answers.

How to do the Decisions spread in the tarot?

If you are just starting out, you can begin the decision spread with only the major arcana and without reversed cards, and then with practice work with the entire deck.

The first thing to do is to set out the two options that the Tarot will be asked about. There must be 2 very clear paths. The first option we will call A, and the second option we will call B.

  1. Shuffle the deck, always keeping the two possibilities in mind. Then, arrange the cards in the following position:
  2. We draw a first card, it is what we commonly know as the Querent. This card serves as the basis for the others and symbolizes the subject to be dealt with, and its present.
  3. Finally, starting from the first card, we will make two paths diagonally to the right. Each path will be composed of 3 cards. We make a first path diagonally upwards, and then one downwards.
Example: The Decisions Spread
Example: The Decisions Spread

How to interpret this reading?

Interpreting the Decisions spread is very easy, as we have seen, each path explores an option:

  • The cards of position 2, 3 and 4, gives us the result we will get from the path of option A, or Yes.
  • The cards in position 5, 6 and 7 give us the result we will get if we take option B, or the No path.

It is worth mentioning that we can have different variations of the spread, in which we can use 3, 4, 5 or more cards.

Finally, we can start with 3 cards and add more if we consider that the answer or the result of each path is not clear.

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